The Mantra
He takes one last look over the ledge,
The edge of the precipice,
Imagining the staggering, unknowable falling.
He shudders and backs away.
He retraces his steps,
Returning to a place of safety,
A place of predictability.
I am too old, he assures himself,
Shuddering again at the image of the ledge,
The smothering abyss,
The surrender.
He drives to work with a new appreciation for sameness,
For the certainty of Monday,
For the harness of employment,
While deep inside in some unfocused, dimly lit room
He sits alone on a simple wooden chair,
Reciting the mantra he fears but cannot dismiss:
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever.
~ Russ Allison Loar
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